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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Event announcement: Sweet Time

Anyone can send one or two recipes on any sweet.

Only vegetarian recipes and no eggs please.

Any bloggers or non bloggers can participate.

Should be a follower of my blog. If not, can start following now.

After posting the recipe, link it with this announcement and logo.

Mail me the following details: Subject:Sweet time, Your name, sweet name, link to your recipe(with photo), to setlur.shanu@gmail.com

Last date for the event is June 15th 2009.

Round up will be on the last week of June 2009.


  1. Wow - have to post something... Do you have a start date for the event ?

  2. Maybe you can ask trupti to include your event here : http://recipecenterforall.blogspot.com/2008/03/food-blog-event-round-ups.html

  3. lovely! the kesari photo looks so good! Will soon send some lovely recipes!

  4. I just came to know about this event. I will send in my recipes(Am sure I will have two). Thanks!

  5. For your event I will send someting...

  6. hey .. just cam across this event ! will send u my entries...

  7. Thank you all. Looking forward your participation.

  8. Hi shanthi
    I love all the traditonal recipes in your blog.u r doin a wonderful job.
    I recnetly posted kaju katli recipe in my blog..So will send the entry for u'r event

  9. Yes. Ramya. Definitely send it. Thank you.


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